Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeBELT AND ROAD AND OTHER CHINESE DEBT TRAPSAnother Blow From China Against Debt-Ridden Sri Lanka

Another Blow From China Against Debt-Ridden Sri Lanka

The imposition of sanctions against Sri Lanka by Beijing after Columbo refused a Chinese fertilizer consignment highlights the deterioration of relations between the two countries, according to the think tank Policy Research Group (POREG).
The dynamic relations between Sri Lanka and China show that Beijing will go to any length to advance its strategic goals.
“The Bamboo Capitalist has proved to be worst than the Shakespearian Shylock with no concern whatsoever for the Lankan plight,” the think tank quoted a Lankan diplomat as saying.
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And like always the hint:
The Chinese people are great, Xi Jinping and his admirers are not.


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