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HomeCHINA THREATENS OTHERS5th June 2024 Headlines About China's Illegal Acting including Biden says not...

5th June 2024 Headlines About China’s Illegal Acting including Biden says not ruling out use of U.S. forces to defend Taiwan!

Headlines About China’s Aggression Illegal Acting The South China Sea!

Philippines Accuses China of Seizing Air-Dropped Supplies in South China Sea

The country’s military chief claims that the incident saw Chinese boats come within five meters of the Philippine outpost at Second Thomas Shoal.

Sleepwalking toward WWIII in the South China Sea

China’s announcement of its intention to enforce a law that would arrest foreign nationals venturing into waters it claims in the South China Sea (SCS)

Philippine troops accused of cutting Chinese fishing nets near disputed shoal

… by Chinese; There have been frequent run-ins between China’s coastguard and Philippine vessels near the contested reef in the past year. South China Sea.

Accusations of Hands-On Interference at Contested South China Sea Reef

This week, the Philippines and China are trading new accusations about interactions at Second Thomas Shoal, a reef in the Philippine exclusive economi…

Regional security environment may deteriorate despite U.S.-China defense meeting in Singapore, analysts say

Some analysts say messages from Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun and U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s speeches in Singapore suggest regional…

China, Philippines Come Close To ‘Armed Clash’ In South China Sea; Manila Issues Official Statement

The Philippines has denied allegations leveled by the Chinese state media that Filipino troops pointed guns at the Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) personnel as…

Australia sees the West Philippine Sea in the South China Sea

In the “differ where we must” dimension of dealing with China, Australia is wielding a new nomenclature stick (or schtick?)

Freedom of the Seas Requires US Leadership

A recently conducted joint patrol of the South China Seas (SCS) between the United States, Australia, Japan, and the Philippines marked the first combined…

Philippines says troops held weapons but did not point at Chinese coast guard

Philippine troops stationed on a warship grounded on a disputed South China Sea shoal held on to their weapons after Chinese coast guard boats came very…

Don’t expect an Indo-Pacific NATO anytime soon

China’s aggression is sparking new talk of an Asian NATO but region’s history is littered with failed collective security efforts. by Connor Fiddler June 5,…

China’s “grey-zone” tactics against Taiwan

Our weekly podcast on China. This week our hosts visit places on the frontline of Chinese grey-zone aggression towards Taiwan to find out if China’s…

China’s Military Leadership Postures at Shangri-La Dialogue

Welcome to Foreign Policy’s China Brief. The highlights this week: Chinese military leaders engage in aggressive rhetoric at the annual Shangri-La Dialogue…

Group sets mass action against China’s aggression in WPS

Akbayan Party has organized a protest against the continued aggression and harassment perpetrated by the China Coast Guard (CCG) against Filipino fishermen…

Biden says not ruling out use of U.S. forces to defend Taiwan

President Joe Biden issues a renewed warning to China over Taiwan in an interview, saying the U.S. military could be used to defend the self-ruled…

Romualdez appeals to Beijing: Stop aggression that hurts PH-China ties

China must stop its aggressive actions in WPS saying it only strain the bilateral relations of the two countries, House Speaker said.

China-Taiwan Conflict Raises Concerns for Semiconductors and Gold

China’s military drills near Taiwan heighten tensions and raise concerns for the electronics and metals markets. A potential conflict could lead to a…

GOP senator urges $55B defense budget boost to counter China, Russia and Iran

The leading Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee is bucking his party’s isolationist leanings and urging an increase of $55 billion in defense…


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